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March 2, 2017

Don’t be the chosen… Be a chooser

People want to be chosen: as the construction company for the project, as the graphics artist for the job, etc. We walk on air if we are the chosen one! And usually for each “successful” one there are many unsuccessful ones.

There is no easy recipe like “7 things the successful people do” to really increase our success rate. Since people/companies who applied those recipes and were not successful are not reported, we assume that they are of some benefit. On the other hand, you can increase your success rate just by changing the way you look at things: auction whatever you are offering. Then chose the one you like from the bidders.

Though to be able to successfully auction a product, a service, an idea or a feeling you have to show that what you are offering is unique for an audience who could see a benefit materialistically or emotionally in what is offered.

Of course, it is not easy to do. There is a certain methodology to be applied. You have to communicate the benefit clearly and in an easy way to understand. Only then you’ll increase the chances of enjoying the right to choose instead of being chosen for the job or the project. And for sure it will increase the number of cases of walking on air.

The song of the week: Anna Kendrick – Cups (2009)

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Mehmet U. Soyer

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