Today, all entrepreneurs need to be great salesmen. And if they’re not, they should hire the best salesmen they can get their hands on. Surely no one would disagree with me on that?
Then why is it that whenever I want to buy something from a company that has more than two people working for them, I almost always get the worst sales pitch and service imaginable?
In the last six months I have attempted to purchase a car, a piano and an electric shaver. I found the same picture all over: salesmen who clearly have no idea about the products they are trying to sell. I had to spend a couple of days on the Internet to understand what I was really buying. And then I just bought them without asking for any additional information or help.
You have a new business? You are lucky! You just came in at the right time. Almost all of your bigger competitors are offering you the market on a tray. Assuming that you have the right product, you just have to have the right salesmen. We, the consumers, will more than pay their costs back to you.
Just don’t let us work day and night to learn about your products. Get yourself a salesperson with the right smile, and the right amount of knowledge.
Song of the week: Duran Duran – Ordinary World (1993)